Trump’s return to the nation’s pinnacle comes with bolder and brasher attacks on American Exceptionalism borne by his character that has a flaw for every ill.
By just holding the office, this spotted character eclipses the collective decency of preceding Presidents, even if marked on a curve. He totes his own tarnish in such volume that it renders exceptionalism bad.
If a foreign ambassador, let alone a Guyanese, tried to get involved in American politics, acceptance of their credentials would be rescinded and they would be booted back to their country.
This is Guyana, where democracy/ human rights are now championed by its resident US Ambassador and her creed of the practice favors those who her State Department once documented as its violators.
Ultimate responsibility for the trajectory of our Republic lies with all of us and those who have the power to clear the log jam in Opposition leadership should already be in the process of doing so and not waiting for the pageant of Congress.
Lawlessness has returned as the overwhelming feature of existence in Guyana.
Consent of the governed be damned it seems, as questionable construction continues unabated, with private structures taking over public drainage for private convenience.
This aberration to planning forces pedestrian traffic into the roads which, ungoverned by enforced laws and overseen by patrol police not educated on traffic rules, make for the high occurrence of vehicular death.
Under the the Party with the worst record for Governance, from criminal enterprise to criminal murder, Guyana is n a downward spiral.
We're not at the lowest point, we're thinking but we've reached the point where worse is helpful, and worse can be confidently expected.
This makes voting in every election at ever level critical to salvaging what's left and to resisting the damage done by foreign interference in the 2020 General Elections.
In case your fear about the decay of our nation is not yet commensurate with rational reasons for decay, we need just look at a few things that got us here.
The pre- election season of simmering tensions, with Social Media’s open call for recipes on how to best divide the country into Indo/Partisan dominated segments, reached boiling point with the grotesque savaging of three Afro Guyanese young men...
So we got these things called Think Tanks – an alternative intellectual infrastructure fueled by a superior entitlement bias that would categorize my politics as an ideology, theirs as the softer term philosophy, which, after political manipulation, concludes that mine is so dangerous that it would have to be eradicated to preserve ‘western democracy’
The studied opinions of the professionals with knowledge of Guyana’s soil, its ratoon and plant crop, tell us unequivocally that, with status quo, the resurrection of sugar will fail, even on Easter Sunday...
The ‘law of suspects’ – an oppressive feature in the land of tyrants- fuels the mission of Afro Guyanese subjugation, with the arrest and re-arrest of a political opponent currently before the court for the same alleged offense.
And given the history of Western ‘invasion’ – typically to ‘forestall a dictatorship’- we’d be hard pressed to see how this PPP Government of Gangsters, that has already signaled deference to occupation by a foreign power, would not be the unceasing assignment of proactive microscopic surveillance by an Opposition that must now be soldered to due diligence.