Real Quick.

Why, at this 11th hour would the Guyana Chronicle, the Government’s newspaper, devote an entire page and a photo block to the Opposition’s Irfan Ali and Mark Phillips…Jagdeo’s Strategy blah blah blah?…won’t link to it.

Negative campaigning maybe?

But where has that gotten the Coalition Government which remained sufficiently distracted to have been outplayed by the PPP which is historically a rigging machine and a style-less player?

Now, let’s see.

Elections have been called for March 2020.

Most Guyanese who are ecstatic that the machinations of the team that squatted for 23 years in Government…

by violating the Constitution after a husband died, leadership then passed to wife who appointed a man to hold her place as she stole an election then groomed another man to take over and he really did by stealing everything he could for himself and people

…lost their brazen bid to hoist themselves back in to power by stealing a Parliamentary seat through their usual dirty tricks.

This is what Chronicle should be reminding its readers of as often as they read the Government paper.

These must be the headlines that capture their attention.

Give them information that they need to propel them to the polls to vote to ensure that they are not going to be under the same dictators again.

News, like Canada’s Chief Electoral officer, Jean Pierre Kingsley, who will be lending his expertise to ensure that sanctity of the voting process, through the Government of Canada’s goodwill is reassurance of third party scrutiny. Educate readers on this.

Remind them, too, how the Coalition kept the rabid Opposition at bay by ensuring that they, the people, had their rightful say on when elections should be held and not when the only Party registered in the Nation’s High Court as election thieves dictated it should be held.

Tell them how the same PPP and its tentacles attempted to discredit the their right to register and weaponized Afro Haitians through a propaganda campaign alleging that they were imported to vote.

This is news EVERYONE could use.

Reminding the electorate of what could plague them, should they vote for the Party that is overtly racist or consequences of them not voting at all , would be the public service that the news paper is expected to provide.

And above all, instead of profiling the Opposition which has hundreds of media outlets spreading their propaganda and profiles of misfits that they want to run the country, highlight the Candidates that the Coalition intends to run.

Run contra to the incessant riptide of propaganda.

Dismantle the disinformation on the President’s health check up on October 19th and confirm that it is a wellness visit.

Highlight the REAL and not promised renunciations of dual citizenship politicians and discuss the possible contenders for roles secondary to that of President…like Prime Minister and the untarnished contenders for vice presidency.

This is what people want to know.

And this is what the Government paper should be doing…. not offering free press to the Opposition and adding gravitas to the their candidates by devoting segments to them, burdening readers who would prefer to see alternate choices and attendant information in their tax-payers’ news organ.

The newspapers are a substantial part of the political conversation and they are usually associated with endorsement, when not explicitly distancing themselves from a specific entity.

Use the papers wisely.

Give the readers the assurance that this season is the start of something big rather than the tremulous uncertainty of something small.

There is sunrise on the horizon of hope now for many.

Please Mr. Editor …

…take advantage of it.


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