Trump’s return to the nation’s pinnacle comes with bolder and brasher attacks on American Exceptionalism borne by his character that has a flaw for every ill.
By just holding the office, this spotted character eclipses the collective decency of preceding Presidents, even if marked on a curve. He totes his own tarnish in such volume that it renders exceptionalism bad.
The opposite of failing to protest against the blemish that is this Trump, is indifference.
So, I applaud these protesting Americans who are reminding Trump...
"Comey's departure from FBI protocol is "antithetical to the interests of justice."
Who's twisting this guy's arm?
He has to know that -more when than if-...
Yvonne Sam: Contributor
Here am I endeavouring to regain my mental composure, after an unexpected encounter with a déjà vu situation.
Kaieteur News, August 29, 2016 captioned...
We can say that the unfathomable has happened.
America, a country that boasts of its sophistication, its superior civilized standards, its intellectual accomplishments and general...
There’s nothing wrong with a politician claiming libel and slander by the media.
But there’s a finesse to it, an articulation that adds credibility to...
I’ll begin by stating what the Guyanese people view as obvious.
President Granger continues to extend inexplicable latitude to his Minister of Presidency for whom...