Remaining silent about any situation that would impact our national security and the integrity of our borders should never be an option and it is the patriotic duty of every Guyanese, even as a Whistleblower, to bring any such situation to light, especially when it seems to have roots behind closed government doors.

It remains our unbudging position that an elected Government is at all times answerable to the people and it is in this spirit that we lambasted Bharrat Jagdeo for his contemplations about  a “slight concession” of Guyana’s river territory to Venezuela as reported in 2015 and have added this to his human rights violations, grand theft of patrimony and other criminal behaviors that must disqualify him from ever holding public office in Guyana again.

Giving away parts of our country to another country or making any concession that involves collective patrimony for personal or political gain is treasonous by the narrowest of definitions, which law cites as criminal disloyalty to the State.

It is with this in mind that we pick through the celebratory tripe being circulated on behalf of the Coalition by a Sausage Maker who continues to devalue their political currency, not only by mere association but because they are either late or reticent to distance themselves from this professional rabble rouser who claims to be the New York arm of Coalition Communications.

That said, we’ll share an anxious concern we received with the express request that it be made public.

We have received information that the heroine of the Sausage Maker’s story, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, a Cummings by name, has been fighting to name Guyana Chair of the Developing Nations platform, G77, for gains that will not benefit Guyana.

Same source shows that the cost of Guyana becoming the Chair of this body will hit Guyanese tax payers with an expenditure, conservatively, of USD 750,000.

Per the information shared, an Ambassador, Ten Pow by name, has been part of the engineering of the ‘Guyana for G77 Chair’ campaign for which he, reportedly, will be rewarded the title of Chair of the G77.

Another player, a Troy Torrington recently re-assigned to Guyana, will be the G77 Coordinator for the grand Corporate Executive salary of, ballpark, USD 8000.00 per month, per Whistleblower information received.

And that’s the small stuff… ostensibly not part of the tripe reported by the Sausage Maker who claims to be an arm of Coalition reporting.


In return for Venezuela’s support for Guyana becoming the Chair of this G77 body, Venezuela is DEMANDING that Guyana agrees NOT to use the platform to quell the ongoing border disagreement between Venezuela and Guyana.

The information we’ve received says that the Director General, Wadell, a Foreign Affairs veteran with some forty five years of Venezuela/Guyana diplomacy experience, along with some other senior and eminently qualified Ambassadors, have adamantly opposed this agreement because it will undermine Guyana’s defense against Venezuelan claims to Guyana’s territory.

Frighteningly,  there is written correspondence, it is said, from Cummings and Torrington claiming that President Granger approved the G77 initiative—implying that he, President Granger, agrees not to offend enemy Maduro by discussing, amongst the G77, the ongoing territorial dispute between Guyana and Venezuela.

We’re thinking Maduro is thinking Jagdeo was willing, so Granger should be too.

We’ve been assured that the President has, in writing, disavowed the claims of his approval to accede to Venezuela’s demands, claims made by Cummings and Torrington, but we are stunned that a breach of that nature could occur at the Foreign Ministry level, under this President with such a solid military background and that Cummings and Torrington are still holding positions under his Presidency, in that sensitive office and after such an insensitive infraction involving national security and compromise of sovereignty.

The complaint goes on to express dismay at the handling of the situation by the President, particularly in not thoroughly combing through all levels of claims by the Cummings and Torrington duo and specifically the President’s decision, that appears to be retaliatory, in sending a 45 year Foreign Affairs veteran, Director General Wadell, on indefinite leave –

-which appears to be a victory for the suspect conduct of Cummings/Torrington, as expressed in the social media celebrations by the NY Sausage Maker and a constructive smear of a veteran employee, whose contributions to Guyana include serving in diplomatic capacity during times of turmoil caused by neighboring aggression.

The President’s conduct has been captured in some understandably scorching sentiment, all of which we will not replay at this moment but will convey that the concern for his non conformity to public service principles, his perceived contempt for the experience and knowledge of senior and career public servants, his undisguised partiality to some Ministers whose conduct have flagrantly violated rules and his apparent disregard for the repeated misconduct, inclusive of allegations of fraud and morally violate behavior, are poignant parts of the complaint.

The combination of the Administration’s disregard for the dedication of veteran public servants and the disrespect towards them by political appointees with diverging agendas has now reached the point of critical mass, as veteran employees see whisper campaigns and communications incongruent with procedure, announce their demise in uncoordinated fashion by any number of agencies, foreign and domestic, speaking on the Government’s behalf.

The announcement of the “rebalancing” of Director General Waddell by the Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency and her claim of her departure as rumor demonstrate an embarrassing level of procedural confusion.

From our standpoint, the claim of this Administration “rebalancing” seasoned Ambassadors in favor of youth is laughable given the average age of leadership in Government.

The nature of Diplomatic execution, of necessity, requires that the younger ones sit at the feet of elders in that profession … not to mention that the epiphany of youth deployment in the diplomatic corps lies too near the smelly underbelly of the G77 situation.

As a publication that runs on the core of journalistic principles, that prides itself on objectivity, we acknowledge the worth of whistleblowers to the craft of journalism and check every tip we get for veracity and authenticity.

We state, without equivocation, that we have sourced what was reported and report this with confidence.

Might we add that our decision to carry this is no way our condemnation of the Coalition. We still support their run for governance as strongly as we denounce that of the PPP’s.

But the heads of this entity, both PNCR and AFC, need to know that they are not operating with impunity, that the professionals that take pride in their career and serve as a matter of duty and not for political reward, will not be quiet in the face of what they know to be improprieties that will harm the general good, nor will they allow any threat to their employment or earned good standing in Public Service to intimidate them into pretending that good order prevails.

At the heart of the decision to share this concern about national security and threat to sovereignty with us, is Guyana Bill No.12 of 2017, Protected Disclosures Bill 2017, fondly referred to as the Whistleblower Bill.

We have reported what was entrusted to us respecting the purpose of this Bill, as we salute the duty -boundedness of every Whistleblower that has come forward.


  1. Very interesting insights. It is clear, if true, that the integrity of the Colonel Granger is being exposed. Is he anti-public servant? Servants who demonstrate intellect, knowledge and understanding toward serving in the interest of the Nation and not for personal gains. Public office is designed for temporary occupancy but could be extended if the people consider the occupancy is worthy of extension.
    It may be that a paradox is present. Returning to office is guaranteed and so house cleaning has began.

  2. MAJOR SCANDAL – The abrupt removal of Director General Ms Waddell from her current position is shocking news to all descent-minded Guyanese.
    For the first time some light has been thrown on this matter, revealing the real reason why this top diplomatic official has been arbitrarily removed from her post.
    Ms Waddell is not a political appointee or someone who has a yearly contract.
    There are employment laws that protect the right of every individual and those rights need to be pursued vigorously, as one of the many options that need to be advanced to prevent this treacherous line of action by the Granger regime.
    The writer of this “breaking news” article must be commended for her patriotism and bravery. It shows that GUYANESE can stand up for what is morally correct, despite the consequences.

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