It’s not that we care about his reported syphilis.

That would merely be an occupational hazard for a predator who ‘hires- a -hump’ in between wives.

But Trump was purportedly shot at with a high velocity weapon of war, that could cause hearing loss and damage to the brain which could affect balance, amongst other debilitating afflictions. These are medical conditions that are potentially disqualifying for the job opening he is auditioning for.

And even though the tradition of Presidential candidates releasing a testament to their health for a four year tenure was scoffed at by him in 2016, and then answered with a fantastical report by a Gastroenterologist….this time it’s different. This time he was under the protection of a service we pay for and received emergency medical care from Butler hospital billed to us, taxpayers. We are, therefore, entitled to a copy of what we financed.

Why weeks have passed since his promise to “very gladly” release his records, is not lost on his reputation to upgrade the intensity of incidents to benefit himself. Trump is a compulsive self-dramatist and would want to draw parallels to the hole in his ear with
the nail holes in the divine, through show and tell.

That there was such a tight-lipped guardianship about the alleged gun shot made us skeptical. Skepticism was then upgraded to suspicion, particularly after FBI Director Wray’s statement was admonished by Republican Senators then reconstructed by FBI Deputy Director Abbate, to state categorically, that Trump was hit by a bullet from an assassin’s rifle, reported as an AR 15… which Trump then accepted as an apology.

It’s not only that he gets his way with the premier Law Enforcement Agency of the country- which tells us of the infiltration of money into these institutions of democracy. It’s that he is given an ‘apology’ without presenting evidence to the contrary of Director Wray’s already partial summation…undermining the integrity of a body that was founded in 1908 to investigate GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION.

And with the full faith and credit of the nation’s top law enforcement and Senate machines, he has received permission to use this contrived injury as a campaign vehicle.

The deployment of Trump into national politics, we’ve come to learn, is neither accident nor electoral masterstroke. It was the calculated selection of an unrefined nonintellectual. His oozing contempt to camouflage his colossal lack is not only his super power. It’s the exact distraction his billionaire puppeteers need to use him as their front man to recreate society in the image of conservative Christian Nationalism.

As a nation, we tout compassion and are compelled, by custom, to express condolences to others’ misfortunes.
But when it devolves into a fundraising effort and there is more embrace than denunciation of the irreverence of celebrating the attempt on his life, by monetizing a homicidal attempt, we have to juxtapose ethics with character, if only to determine sentiment.

The merchandizing of attempted assassination without rebuke from his handlers is hardly a sad epilogue from this internal terrorist group. From Sneakers to Bobble Heads to Coins to Pens, the billionaire movement behind Trump is there to give him what he wants most, for him to give them what they want most.

Permission given to him to campaign on an inconclusive claim of “attempted assassination” however, represents a frightening perversion of the rule of law…by those who direct what the law should be. It’s a kind of Machiavellian dystopia that recent Supreme Court rulings serve.

Effecting constitutional erosion and corrosion of the rule of law are seldom noisy because they are not deeds of goodwill.
So, we’re grateful to the learned pro bono lawyers whose noisy analyses alert us to the favoritism of recent Supreme Court rulings, which flout basic constitutional principles and the revered precedent, to hoist the errant Trump out of any form or measure of legal accountability.

Small installations of change tend to go unnoticed then ease their way into the normal course of things. It’s this quiet ascension of home grown despotism which we’re distracted from by our wily politicians pointing to some other country’s dictatorship.

Trump’s calamitous tenure ended with spectacular catastrophe. Ambitions ran ahead of directives he was receiving from his handlers which botched any legal intervention that could have looked plausible. And we say this contemplating the purpose of his recruitment, the character deficits that made him an attractive candidate and why we have to remain watchful for his redeployment…which the courts seem to have cleared a way for already.

Shot or shot at, he’s still the vehicle selected to unleash the ultra right wing Christian- national, sociopolitical agenda of the billionaire bosses who want to reshape the constitution in their image.

We say this because he’s been convicted of thirty four crimes and is an adjudicated rapist…all blemishes that would expeditiously disqualify any other candidate as a national representative of a nation that boasts ‘American Civilization’ – and represents itself as ‘shining city on a hill’.

The ‘blind eye’ that has been turned to hoist him back into the political seat of prestige is a screaming warning to all who value this democracy that is not shatter-proof. The failure of 2020 now stands a better chance with new interpretations of settled law by a Supreme Court that is, indisputably, compromised.

But we can still play a part before Election Day, by publicly demanding his detailed medical records.

Pennsylvania compels, by statute, the reporting of gun shot wounds, by medical facilities which treat victims. The record would include the medical details as in diagnosis, treatment and prognosis…all of which will confirm whether he took a bullet directly or was injured indirectly after the discharge of the bullet.

Both of these will confirm whether Trump is fit for office, by telling us if the physical injuries sustained would impair his readiness to perform as the leader of a nation with substantial nuclear power, or if he lied about taking a bullet at all…let alone for Democracy.

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