We’ll just allude, not ever so slightly, to the fact that Trump, all of moral indecency, profound incompetence and the absence of the mental capacity to configure above the base transactional level, heads the administration that has received a historic high of $530 and counting, in millions of dollars from foreign countries lobbying their righteousness to American politicians – countries like Saudi Arabia, that has given new meaning to bone saw.

The Organization of American States -OAS- now a funded gun for the Trump Administration’s foreign policy which is much of defunding countries to prevent abortion, promoting the hypocrisy of the Christian Right and snatching Venezuela’s oil , found a treasonous despot  right across from Maduro’s backyard sitting on some oil too –

-a Bharrat Jagdeo, whose proclivity for redirecting revenue from his nation’s natural resource abundance to a parallel Treasury (‘micro managing’ in paras 8 – 9 ) offers a dexterity for corruption that can be synchronized with many in OAS orbit …not the least of which is Trump.

We’re setting the stage here for a rolling collaboration of criminality… of why, in our estimation, the OAS hires characters like Golding- not unknown for his share of scandal and who the US Embassy in Jamaica classified as two-faced ; why the OAS  is headed by Luis Almagro- considered a turn coat for thirty pieces of silver and a salary that makes him a prince amongst common men whom he now misrepresents, they say, if he enjoys the full support of US secretary of State Pompeo, who remains mired in credibility challenges.

And to connect the dots of political malfeasance, Pompeo mirrors his leader Trump who, to date, has lied publicly in excess of 20,000 times as matter of course and adds to the inglory that he has brought to the Office as a sitting and impeached US President, some foul Senate politics in which Marco Rubio, of stained reputation, played a part.

These names all tie in to Guyana’s General Elections 2020 Cycle that was preempted two years before schedule by Jagdeo/PPP inveiglement in December of 2018 and is now unfolding as a coordinated effort involving the commentary of seasoned players like Michael Kozak , fearfully referred to as the Coup Master, Marco Rubio of corrupt repute, Bruce Golding whose two faces make him uniquely valuable to observe while  undermining in synchrony and US Ambassador to Guyana, Madam Lynch, who appears in a plethora of places that would make her too partial to the Opposition for her to be an objective arbiter in the Elections recount process.

And Lynch’s partiality has to be viewed in context …along with that of the Leadership of the OAS which sent Bruce Golding to be an observer of overt impartiality.

We’ve offered a glancing introduction to Almagro above but there’s more and of dire consequence to Guyana, if we argue the wrong points and proceed on a personal and territorial path with any initiative to bring attention to the assault on Guyana’s sovereignty by foreign entities seeking regime change of their choice.  

Lobbying and Bribery are often alternated, with lobbying unflatteringly referred to as bribery in a suit.

And we can categorize the action by looking at the player seeking to influence the outcome, which may be particularly pertinent in the case of Guyana….especially when we consider that lobbying and its illegal cousin in the suit are on the same mission to shape name, image, likeness and law.

The election recount has shepherded a team of partial observers feigning impartiality, whose collective experience is replete with election rigging, voting out of quorum, holding elections when there is an official closure of the public square and every other little dirty trick that can achieve a win – irrespective of how smelly.

This is why we continue to reach out to Guyana.

Protecting our country cannot be a one man, or a closed -group effort but one that pulls from all resources that place leveling the playing field against a seasoned enemy above these instincts.

Presentations via a lobbyist of necessity, therefore, must be both convincing and convicting, establishing the image of our leaders as persons of commanding demeanor and confident assertiveness. This should not be explained in limp comparisons or petulant complaints.

The enemy we face is a ruthless one.

In a statement dated March 20, 2020 the soiled US Secretary of State, Pompeo – again in the news for corruption that involves his impeached boss Trump, sang the praises of the success of Luis Almagro’s re-election to head the OAS.

What Pompeo didn’t tell us was that the Almagro election was hardly joyful for many member countries, that his is a diminished victory having received only 23 of the 33 votes that he garnished the last time.

He didn’t say, either, that Almagro is unpopular amongst member countries and that he, Pompeo, pressured those countries to vote Almagro, convening a meeting in Jamaica to drive the point home and that the impeached Trump weighed in by ‘advising’ Peru’s candidate, Hugo de Zela, to withdraw since he, Hugo, was “dividing the hemispheric bloc”.

Pompeo never mentioned either, that Honduras, which America lambastes for corruption, ended its fight against said corruption because it never got the support from the OAS’ Almagro to fight those forces…nor did Pompeo mention that in April 2017, Almagro allowed Rosa of Honduras to be chairman for a few hours so that he could have rammed through a vote against Venezuela’s Maduro while the real chairman, Diego Pary of Bolivia, was away from the desk.

And this election that Luis Almagro purportedly won was also machinated with the same measure of crafty conduct that trademarks his leadership.

Disregarding the request of Mexico and 13 Caribbean countries for postponement of the election in deference to Washington DC’s closure for COVID control, Almagro ploughed through and with his closest rival absent and no press present, Almagro was re-elected with a Pompeo mandate.

This is the image of the OAS , supposed impartial observer of Guyana’s elections recount and arbiter of democracy, people’s rights and administrative transparency.

And this is the enemy insidious, ruthless and any combination thereof, that we face.

By any objective standard, Guyana’s general elections observers seem disfavorable of the incumbent Coalition, with especial ire reserved for the President from the Madam Ambassador…it appears.

The thugocracy that was PPP and Jagdeo’s governance is captured most succinctly in this Wikileaks Cable  para 4 C where Jagdeo complains that the Perception Corruption Index measures “perception and not actual corruption” as he goes on to validate the “deliberate decision” he had made to add layers of bureaucracy to the customs processes in order to increase the cost of bribery, which he believes will reduce corruption …and about an opinion poll explains …since the public does not understand fiscal policy and government budget processes, with such a poll “you will only get opinions rather than facts”.

It’s a theme that rings through much of the Wikileaks correspondence from US Embassy Guyana to State Department, which confirms that they know he is a plunderer of public funds and a charlatan who confesses connivance to contain the citizenry…a dossier that the Madam would have had to review before reporting to our country.

So the whole Mercury Public Affairs LLC Lobbying on behalf of this world renowned thug, Jagdeo and his PPP, should come as forewarning of what is behind the OAS calls for transparency, democracy and people’s rights.


We have shown how corrupt OAS Chief Luis Almagro appears to be in elections and we have highlighted, copiously, the curious partiality US Ambassador Lynch has for the bandit Bharrat Jagdeo and his Party that sank Guyana to the depths of itself for its twenty three years of dictatorship- scarring it with indelible social labels – murder capital, cocaine highway, gun hub, money laundry, Aids center.

The attempts of foreigners through their governments or organizations to color our General Elections is neither political philanthropy nor international benevolence.  

It is an attempt to discredit the legitimacy of the elections and its outcome to favor the rogue Jagdeo who will most possibly, offer the imperialist America, access to Guyana’s oil through Venezuela’s back yard.

Giving Venezuela a channel to the sea was one of his musings when he was ejected through General Elections from office…in a not so coy attempt to let the imperialists know he was available, if they needed him.

Seems like they need him now.

Jagdeo may have hired Mercury Public Affairs LLC with its strength rooted in what many see, as its roster of corrupt players with access to Governments and leaders of similar disreputable standing, which offers cover for rules to satisfy circumstances and not vice versa, as is the reason for rules at all.

Hiring lobbyists is not the benign process most hide behind “to get their name and country out there” but is often what most dictators do to add a gloss of legitimacy and a veneer of decency to an image whose repair may require a treasonous errand …like the back gate “channel to the sea” that would open the nation’s patrimony of oil.

And chances are, if America and other Western powers notice how willing you are to sell out your people, woo oversight of your elections from the Carter Center which is resident in a country that is mired in electoral fraud and administrative misdeeds, they just might put on a master class in fake democracy for the thug of their choice by slinging words like people’s rights, democracy and fair elections to make us feel like victims, when they can’t get it right at home.

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