
What reflection?

Trump is the tool Conservative America longed for.

Unrefined and unintelligent were weapons no other politician brought to their camp.

This crass mass of ignorance, for every single one of his limitations, was the right candidate at the right time to course correct the departure from ‘institutional values’ – the traditional wife who birthed without control, schools where the bible and Christian prayers were recited by men who preyed upon young boys, women who professed prayer but desecrated the marital bedroom by engaging in three- somes and Christian men who preyed upon the underaged daughters in their communities.

Today America has returned a full-fledged felon to its highest office.

The range of crimes credited to his portfolio are the real reflection…the perverse qualities some minds celebrate and our courts designate as official duties. 

The analysis of the national psyche as being divided along social fissures is hardly what produced this chasm between white might and ‘the others’.

The rules have been re-written to normalize impropriety so that the reclaimer’s of what the founding fathers’ intentions were, appear credible.

A rapist with his palm on a KING JAMES –not a Trump– BIBLE will take an oath to protect a Constitution he has trashed and has appointed justices to redesigned, in order to effect his assignment – the dismantling of America.

His wife better recognized naked than fully clad will be termed America’s First Lady and these will be the standard bearers of America’s morals and values that were once marks of pride.

Today is a dark day in America but its just the first in the ensuing 4 years of this era of lawlessness.

Reflecting upon what happened is now past.

It’s a new day in a dark period.

Trump was thrust into the void as social trust shrank and/or couldn’t find its way.

And for those who take pride in announcing that they ‘don’t bother with them people” let’s hope that, even you, will find that the new depths of disarray that will ride in with Trump will be too much for you to not get involved in course correcting the moral rot that will be our existence.

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