Kamala Harris was a quality candidate – as evidenced in the margins by which she lost... LESS THAN 1%. And these margins tell the story of a Party that transported her to that loss on a chassis that is more obsolete than effective.
If the PNC wants to reshape itself, it has to remove its Bad Faith Ambassador, that latent aristocrat, the guy whose desire to control The List includes every element of perfidiousness; up to and not excluding sabotage of Party which, by extension, is sabotage of country.
See, these blind spots in well-meaning guidelines are only discovered when they fail as a consequence of dishonorable men preying upon loopholes with a treachery they label genius
...Negotiating a secret Cummingsburg Accord is not for the benefit of the voters or the country....
It’s not like...
A viable and robust Opposition will professionally hold the government accountable by matching action to policy and scrutinizing practice by law, without the remonstrative theatrics that embarrass more than construct.
The PPP is increasingly defined not by its shared beliefs, but by its shared machinations to foment racial animus …which attract predators pretending to be protectors, like the International Republican Institute, IRI.
If a foreign ambassador, let alone a Guyanese, tried to get involved in American politics, acceptance of their credentials would be rescinded and they would be booted back to their country.
This is Guyana, where democracy/ human rights are now championed by its resident US Ambassador and her creed of the practice favors those who her State Department once documented as its violators.
Ultimate responsibility for the trajectory of our Republic lies with all of us and those who have the power to clear the log jam in Opposition leadership should already be in the process of doing so and not waiting for the pageant of Congress.
This aberration to planning forces pedestrian traffic into the roads which, ungoverned by enforced laws and overseen by patrol police not educated on traffic rules, make for the high occurrence of vehicular death.