We’ve all paid the price for an ineffective Opposition, one that failed to establish a relationship as a constitutional entity of governance with the resident diplomatic community; one that lacks the acumen, the capacity, to present to the international bodies that support the alleged democracy of Guyana’s political rule, how much of the tenets of democratic living are violated as a matter of course.
It’s not even like they over promise. It’s more like they under work because they roll out the same failed plan of the last loss, add a few new catchwords then label it a new plan.
Opposition Leader is now just a label, a constitutional designation divorced from function because the holder of this title has spent more time away from his seat in Parliament, making the boycott his personal truancy because, like every truant, he seems not to have done his homework.
The job of the Opposition is to check and balance...not for specific individuals, particular groups or decided causes but for the overall improvement of all resident Guyanese.
It’s more than just course correction that’s needed. The contest between questionable leadership and visionless stratagem is the take- it or leave - it offer we get every cycle; all along the ticket; from state to municipality- if we want to vote Democrat.
Its capacity for defeat remains habitual.
It has lost again with depleting margins and has retained its proprietary sliver of the Statewide Vote...Register 46 notwithstanding.
Few things so embitter a community as squandered hope and Afro Guyanese have decades of spent hope under the current rulers of Government… as a consequence of chronic shortsightedness by their delegates.
Though it’s not the principal wrongdoer, by refusing to function in the capacity for which it was elected makes the Opposition complicit in government wrongdoing.
We get that politics is an incredibly tricky and complex institution built on bureaucracies and legislation…which is why the Opposition, not being in Parliament, is so self- defeating.
Election is not a promotion, nor is it social elevation. It’s a contract with a politician who pledged to act in voters’ interest at the governing table. Period. Opposition politicking, nonetheless, remains a species of victimhood where the persecution complex is substituted for politicians’ failure to act…is our opinion.
There’s nothing wrong with downplaying history but danger resides in understating it to the point of dissolution which then becomes straight up deception.
But we’re tired of the ongoing persecution complex, the attack strategy of pointing to oppression and discrimination then dressing in some victimhood armor to pelt pebbles instead of stones.
At its most basic, the previous government lost the election because of the obvious absence of functional administrative structure which made it easy for a change of government to be effectuated with a premier assist from the US ambassador
And when purposeful activities devolve into burning and looting and brawling, they do not only lose justification but provide ammunition for the very people whose injustice the protest is intended to highligh...