For all the historic import the PNC brings to Guyana through the birthing of that Political Party, it would be more than duty for it to be restored for the representation it was designed to give to its marginalized slave class… the only Group of people resident in the country because of slavery and whose marginalization continued in the social hierarchy handed off to its Premiere in 1957.
Denon Ciateur: Contributor
The situation at the overpriced, overrated Guyana Marriott remains unaddressed by Guyana’s Minister of Tourism, Cathy Hughes and Minister of Health, George Norton.
In addition to being entitled to a government that works, people are entitled to officials who pass the smell test.
It was Wendell Jeffrey’s article...
That so many will take this national tragedy, this international shame and make it a cavalier recount of loss of life, complete with conclusion that...
The Amnesty International report of 2002 cited overcrowding of the Georgetown prison, and appended with cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. In addition, it decried...
Khufu: Contributor
Guyana is developing a regressive and questionable history with respect to its administration of justice.
That the most recent Commission of Inquiry...
Khufu: Contributor
Guyana is developing a regressive and questionable history with respect to its administration of justice.
That the most recent Commission of Inquiry falls short of...
Lingua Moulder: Contributor
One year after its Grand Opening, the Marriott has a MOLD problem.
The reason is the shoddy, slap dash construction by the Chinese who...
Patsy Parler: Contributor
To follow up on the concerns of Guyanese employees who feel sidelined and marginalized at the Marriott Guyana, the following was secured to...
Author Noir: Contributor
I would like to bring your attention to the Labor conditions at the Guyana Marriott Georgetown. This hotel...