Kamala Harris was a quality candidate – as evidenced in the margins by which she lost... LESS THAN 1%. And these margins tell the story of a Party that transported her to that loss on a chassis that is more obsolete than effective.
Khufu: Contributor
Guyana is developing a regressive and questionable history with respect to its administration of justice.
That the most recent Commission of Inquiry...
Khufu: Contributor
Guyana is developing a regressive and questionable history with respect to its administration of justice.
That the most recent Commission of Inquiry falls short of...
Lingua Moulder: Contributor
One year after its Grand Opening, the Marriott has a MOLD problem.
The reason is the shoddy, slap dash construction by the Chinese who...
Patsy Parler: Contributor
To follow up on the concerns of Guyanese employees who feel sidelined and marginalized at the Marriott Guyana, the following was secured to...
Author Noir: Contributor
I would like to bring your attention to the Labor conditions at the Guyana Marriott Georgetown. This hotel...
Mickey Bhaichandeen Contributor
Let me get to the point.
There are several human rights violations that occur in the Prison system of Guyana.
The shameful thing is that...
It’s hard to say that the selection process was erratic; naïve maybe, but hardly erratic.
This Noel Blackman had, apparently, made an early reconnaissance of...