As if to confirm that there is an over-saturation of demon in his being, the Trump supporting Christians and bible thumping Evangelicals have rained down their wrath upon the Bishop who asked him to be more like Jesus and show compassion and brotherly love to other human beings.

Weaponizing – his method of choice – has been imputed to the message Bishop Mariann Budde gave from the pulpit which the Trump Tribe has since labeled everything representative of sacrilege, with Trump demanding an apology…implying, more than not, that she should have genuflected in his presence.

None of this was surprising, given that he was the first – very possibly– to host a pre-inauguration fireworks display and a pre-inauguration ball, attended by mega donors like Louis Vitton’s Bernard Arnault, Lauder of Estée Lauder Fortune and businesses that his wife could benefit from clothing – or not– fragrances, a panoply.

We would argue that fireworks was not a subtle Pre- Inauguration warning, given all the damage he has attempted so far- attempted because many of his Executive Orders have been challenged in courts.

Reflections on Liberation Theology and the role it played in countries where Government suppression was an Operating System seems quite pertinent here, as part of what has to become the resistance to the deliberate deconstruction of America’s stipulated governing principles, established law and the supreme law of the land, its Constitution.

The Theology in the name would inform that liberation has its foundation in faith- a personal belief in a higher being but Liberation is a more tangible set of guidelines, evidenced by actual practice, as a philosophy.

What Bishop Marianne Budde introduced was a call for some resistance to the barefaced attempts at erosion and remanufacturing of societal norms by Trump and his terrorized Party, conforming for fear of threats to themselves and family, from Trump’s J6 thug army and the use of government offices to investigate and penalize them …no crime needed.

Trump’s agenda is reminiscent of the atrocities of his Latin American forerunners – Agusto Pinochet, Salvador Allende, Anastasio Samoza – all of whom enkindled politics from the pulpit by calling on the foundations of faith to be practiced through the principles of politics.

Mayhem and murders, starvation and poverty education and medicine were all anathema to the good book that teaches healing, learning and life abundantly.

So, the Bishop’s call for Trump to be more human, being of the species, more Christian, given that he’s printing bibles and more of a leader, being that he was elected to lead a country and not a group, was for the nation after- as she said- much thought and much prayer for her delivery of the traditional post -inauguration service ,to the new President.

That he scowled and concluded that “it wasn’t a good service, she is a “radical left hard line Trump hater”, that her statements were “inappropriate” and that the service was “very boring” seems to certify his inbred demon.

Next time, we suggest an exorcism but in the meanwhile, we’re grateful that the Bishop, in her capacity as head of a prevalent form of worship, offered prayer for a nation that precariously balances on what may well be the remnants of a democracy, in an impending stage of death.

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