There’s nothing wrong with downplaying history but danger resides in understating it to the point of dissolution which then becomes straight up deception.
But we’re tired of the ongoing persecution complex, the attack strategy of pointing to oppression and discrimination then dressing in some victimhood armor to pelt pebbles instead of stones.
At its most basic, the previous government lost the election because of the obvious absence of functional administrative structure which made it easy for a change of government to be effectuated with a premier assist from the US ambassador
And when purposeful activities devolve into burning and looting and brawling, they do not only lose justification but provide ammunition for the very people whose injustice the protest is intended to highligh...
The good of the country requires less pretense by those who are whispering about this mal-performance, more open discourse, even intervention, into what is heading in the direction of further disaster.
Nepotism, cronyism, political mayhem and everything that makes Guyana a failed state is alive and well in national politics and is to be separated from its impending oil wealth – because soft invasions of the type that America’s IRI could be accused of focus on social collapse…
The Party is not a club. It’s not a military pool for civil service respite. It was constituted as a political body from which to select leaders to represent citizens who need guidance and direction to get their rightful due from their country and society.
Like everything that’s done with unnecessary frequency, there’s critical loss of potency with simultaneous devaluation of the seriousness that is brought to the discourse.
With a quarter century of access to unriveting the underpinnings of a Constitution envisaged for 6 peoples, and collapsing it into a document guided by a Partisan ideology that promotes the well- being of one race, one political culture that stokes ongoing racial division and social malaise, it is hard to argue that the PPP has not calculatedly prioritized rupture over reform.
But we’re saying that a septuagenarian with a consistent record of failure and padded accomplishments – lies about lots in his military record (it is said) – had no time to reform by virtue of his revolving appointments that ignored the immediate- past underperformance and thus, has no place for on the job training with a Natural Resource Fund.
The Lingerie Addict, a blog where for more than 14 years unmentionables were not only mentioned, but also the subject of thoughtful consideration, announced on Sunday that it was ending publication.
If the PNC wants to reshape itself, it has to remove its Bad Faith Ambassador, that latent aristocrat, the guy whose desire to control The List includes every element of perfidiousness; up to and not excluding sabotage of Party which, by extension, is sabotage of country.
See, these blind spots in well-meaning guidelines are only discovered when they fail as a consequence of dishonorable men preying upon loopholes with a treachery they label genius