Kamala Harris was a quality candidate – as evidenced in the margins by which she lost... LESS THAN 1%. And these margins tell the story of a Party that transported her to that loss on a chassis that is more obsolete than effective.
With ultra conservative Mitch McConnell joining other ultra conservatives Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Jack Reed and key Democrats to investigate...
Symbolically, it implies dissent.
But, in actuality, it was a demonstration of singular bad manners and inbred incivility.
The dividing line between stubborn ambition and professional...
The opposite of failing to protest against the blemish that is this Trump, is indifference.
So, I applaud these protesting Americans who are reminding Trump...
The numbers conclude that Trump reached the non – college educated disaffected voter.
I would argue that he reached the under-educated voter.
It was more than...
"Comey's departure from FBI protocol is "antithetical to the interests of justice."
Who's twisting this guy's arm?
He has to know that -more when than if-...