Friday, March 28, 2025




The burning at the stake of Miss Atwell makes us wonder why the festive glee in a specific segment of the Guyanese Community as wafts of 'One Guyana' float over the political horizon...


Polling is not a mere statement of sentiment or is it a declaration of indulgence for a specific entity, in hope of some kind of reward.
13.2 C
Los Angeles
Friday, March 28, 2025



Two weeks post attempt on the life of Donald Trump, and a few days after Biden succumbs to insurmountable calls for him to ‘pass the torch’, there is now need for the same fanaticism, dedicated to the ‘Biden Must Leave’ campaign, to be directed to the attempt on Trump’s life.

Yes, the tapestry of American political history is interwoven with assassinations of Presidents, political rivals and survivors of their attempts.

But that doesn’t negate the obligation to investigate every detail in this act which violates Constitutional Rights to political belief and the laws against threatening or harming a political official, engaged in the act of politicking.

We, the tax payers, are entitled to hear what happened to the victim that we are paying to protect.

We’re yet to be apprised of Trump’s injuries.

And their ascription to ‘Trump Being Shot’ makes us even more impatient since a transcript of his conversation IMMEDIATELY POST TRAUMA, while he was still on the stage and in protected posture, seems inconsistent with a bullet wound from an AR 15 and to the ear.

We won’t publish the gore, the decimation to the human body by an AR15 but the pictures are available online, for clarification.

To be able to command the global media eco system is powerful. That’s why failing to publish Trump’s sustained injuries leaves room for him to create a narrative that peddles his ambitions and a persona that appeals to his electorate.

It’s not that were pretending to be experts on Trump’s pathology. But his compulsion for embellishing incidents and glamorizing social stigma doesn’t make him, as the soul source of information this vital, so credible.

We’ve seen him ‘market’ his mug shot as an appeal to ‘The Blacks’ because they too have been “discriminated against by the legal system”.

We’ve seen him boast of a cognitive functionality that makes him “smart” because he could recall the 4 pictures in a display…which is a simple standard measure for dementia.

The attempt on his life was deemed a deed by ‘Democrats’ and amplified by his sons. Congressional members rushed to judgment blaming Joe Biden and the Democrats.

It’s the kind of abuse of media that agitates division and gins up dissent. And it may not have been accidental.

We got to see Trump walk around after an ‘AR 15 bullet’ to the ear with what looked like a feminine maxi pad called dressing, taped to his ear… subsequently replaced by a flesh strip.

He addressed his Party’s Convention with the same level of incoherence pre-attack…suggesting that his mental functionality was intact.

And we got to hear him claim every version of divine intervention …hinting, never subtly, that he is ‘chosen’…all in keeping with his braggadocio…never missing an opportunity for cheap advertisement.

It’s this big mouthedness and perpetual boasting that places him closer to his under-educated base…a show and tell population mesmerized by his attention to them in spite of his alleged wealth.

We’re forced to delineate these details because they vary so widely from what an AR 15 bullet injury looks like.

Doesn’t help, either, that Trump’s personal doctor, Ronny Jackson, whose license has been revoked and whose career has been peppered by allegations of misuse of medication, has been the only source of care that we’ve heard from.

And Trump, in the absence of these missing details, is using the media to declare that he’s taken a bullet for democracy and we ask from which weapon.

He’s now crediting a tiny reflex move –his catlike prowess– for him ‘dodging’ the AR spray…and we’re demanding confirmation.

And we’re entitled to this information because everything occurred when Trump was a protectee of our government, run by our tax dollars.

The Department of Justice has as much obligation to clarify Trump’s assassination attempt as it did his attempt to overthrow the Government…revealing details of what exactly caused the flesh wound that we ’re picking up the tab for.

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