Thursday, October 17, 2024


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Two weeks post attempt on the life...



It’s not semantics but saying there was an attempted assassination on the life of Donald Trump is expressly overblown.

That man got shot and sustained a wound he described as an ‘ear pierce’…which doesn’t only fit his oddly adolescent diction but tells us how much ‘fear’ he felt when his mortality was literally under the gun.

Assassinations are ascribed to the expeditious removal of political bastions… for comparison Julius Caesar who was killed by his senators after an intricate plot to remove him, for fear of him revoking their privileges, power and prestige.

Closer to current is, say, Anwar Sadat of Egypt who was working with Yitzak Rabin of Israel; both of whom were killed for daring to work on Middle East peace.

Then there’s Benazir Bhutto, the Pakistani Prime Minister killed because she was both woman and dynamic leader of a male dominant Muslim country, opposed to the ideology of inclusive democracy.

Of course, there is Martin Luther King, whose incessant plodding to hold the US Constitution and its Declaration of Independence true to their promises, for all Americans, made him a specific target for the Segregationists. His contributions have been so monumental that they are still impacting the structure of civil rights in American society.

And if we want to cite an attempted assassination, we can look to France’s Prime Minister, Jacque Chirac, who was anti US invasion of Iraq, pro the deportation of Jews and the reduction of France’s presidential term from seven to five years.

The through line here is the political heft of these victims …which is not to be confused with excessive body weight … the only heft Trump trundles into politics.

He got shot and by a gun his administration reinstated rights for and by a philosophy he parachuted into politics on.

The young registered Republican who brought an AR15 to give him an ‘ear- pierce’ was executing his rendition of “shooting someone on fifth avenue”.

That’s the rhetoric of Trump’s political platform, the constant deluge of grievance, racial bias and white nationalism…buttoned up with insipid tweets of high school name -calling.

His infusion of overall impropriety into society has been accepted by his Party and his donors as a New Age Operating System that accents bold and brazen to exploit surprise, which is then marketed as strength. In reality, it’s a carefully laid path to extremism that has been crafted by the mega donor class of his Republican Party.

It would be polite to lament over the attempted assassination of the former President but not this one- is our sentiment. We’re not moved by the societal norm of offering sympathy and showing concern because this former President is not normal.

Risks taken by political leaders? This pretender glorified violence; told his rallies to beat up dissenters; saw ‘fine’ people in community terrorism by tiki -torch bearing white nationalists. .

It would be touché to say ‘live by the sword die by the sword’ but this manufactured strong man, who has neither the coordination nor physical strength to wield a sword, isn’t a political Samurai.

He just happened to be born with the right defects – an absence of core decency and an intelligence that is genuinely artificial.

This makes him perfect for the insidious endeavors of the real Deep State – the multi billionaires who pump money into gutting policy to steal the country from its citizens, through syndicated social disenfranchisement.

And his fist pump after the ‘ear pierce’ encapsulates much of our sentiment about his reptilian need to cling.

It was neither the symbol of fascism, communism nor socialism, as ascribed by his media makers. And it was definitely not the salute of Black Power …not in orange tan.

It was just one of his buffoonish gestures; largely to hide his embarrassment that his projected immortality is as fake as his coif; and mostly because he had to project that strength; gritting through the pain of a hole in the cartilage of an upper portion of ear; and the embarrassment of his shooting on ‘Fifth Avenue’ coming home to roost at one of his raucous rallies.

His mythical larger than life persona was hacked at the knees by a 20 year old boy who, in his narrow range of classifications, would not have come from ‘Central Casting’.

As we said from the beginning, this was not an attempted assassination. He has neither substance nor standing to be filed under either ‘attempted’ or ‘assassination’.

That straw man just got shot– and not by an assassin but a by boy with a gun approved by his favorite organization, National Rifle Association and the wielding of the perverted interpretation of the Second Amendment’s ‘right to bear arms’, as a fear- mongering check on perceived enemies.

Dramatic Irony…spilling in to the political arena without the Shakespearean finesse. .



  1. Excellent piece, poetically articulated with irrefutable logic and references at a readily digestible TED-like pace.

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