Unfazed and Unbothered suggests unqualified and unprepared.
Leadership is group dynamics….which demands the leader effect the group’s mission by ensuring EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of the group knows the mission, their part in its accomplishment and what they need to help them get there.
When a group disintegrates, it’s because of internal failings of leadership.
When a leader shrugs off dissatisfaction, he subordinates the mission and its markets and by extension it’s success.
Group, in context, inherently means Team.
It’s not how the leader postures.
It’s what the team achieves because of leadership.
Visions of victory may be inspiring.
But inspiration is not mission if everyone is not inspired.
Promises were made by the Opposition to unveil ‘Election year ‘Promises’
The Election Runway has shortened by three months, to date.
NO PROMISES- only the handfuls of incense intended to inflame by distraction.
NO BIO METRICS by 2025 was already declared by GECOM.
Continuing to call for it instead of showing plans for the country is as bad as claiming to be “Unbothered and Unfazed”.
We’re always wishing Guyana well and its political opposition even better.
But Election doesn’t make a Leader lead.
Leadership is a combination of abilities, none of which manifest unfazed or unbothered.
Then there’s the Coalition impasse on which Party should field the Presidential Candidate.
For all the historic import the PNC brings to Guyana through the birthing of that Political Party, it would be more than duty for it to be restored for the representation it was designed to give to its marginalized slave class… the only Group of people resident in the country because of slavery and whose marginalization continued in the social hierarchy handed off to its Premiere in 1957.
Old methods persist because they come with the primitive choices of race, division, power- none of which require more than primal reflex and a reach back to the subversions created by slave masters and perpetuated by governments of the non- slave class, as some extended form of superiority.
Oppression and suppression remain the equipment of governance, dressed up as policy and activated as public function.
Uprooting of residents in the name of ‘squatting’ seem not to be effected against non African Guyanese…with cameras rolling.
Neither does high unemployment nor opportunities for loans- economic factors that should be evenly beneficial and/or crafted to accommodate the economic circumstances of all residents.
So, in this election year, when the Opposition Coalition is expected to present its contrast to the ruling Party, it’s more off-putting than concerning to hear its Leader trivialize his waning support with some inconsequential phraseology – more in disdain for his constituents than defense of his lack.
To say that the resignees are merely disaffected members of his Party, who were not active under his watch, is not much of a boast.
Is that really the extent of the Party’s ambition- to be self-exonerating when losing support?
Surely his election to head his Party and the largest arm in the Coalition came with higher hopes!?