The re-creation of American morals and values are galloping to its goal.
Defense Secretary, which once saw the excellence of Colin Powell and Lloyd Austin- and we’ll add the Joint Chief of Staff, General Charles Q Brown because the reference is ‘distinguished service’– has now been reduced to the MAGA common denominator – mainstreaming lawlessness by elevating the Socially Blemished .
The preparation is to assemble the most disgraced and dishonored candidates on to the public square then force feed them to the general population as palatable ….a more social diet that may have more political nutrients.
Over time, the immune system that would reject indecency, impropriety and other behaviors that would malign our innate sense of good becomes fibrotic – hardened- unable to receive and exude natural decorum.
So, sensibilities are supplanted with what the brain washers wanted to be perceived as normal and society collapses into degeneracy as a normal yard stick.
Moral rot as a goal is not the destination of the architects of Project 2025, we’re thinking. But it is certainly a means to the end of paralyzing normal thinking in preparation for the imposition of fear that accelerates compliance which reduces resistance which makes political dominance achievable.
That’s the goal.
And we can see some of that in the social categories in which America predominates.
There is deliberate international fear mongering in pulling America out of the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement which works to contain climate change…two international ventures that survive because Americas participation give them legitimacy and America’s purse funds them generously.
That’s why the US Military is dangerous area for Trump, who demands Loyalty Pledges from folks he puts in to position.
For Trump, to whom malevolence comes easier than normal thinking, threatening to remove America from these two critical ventures will make him look tough and powerful.
The whole threatening schtick is done less to scare anyone than to reassure himself that he’s a bad ass.
That’s why he insists on Loyalty Pledges…an attempt to supplant, as legal, a personal promise to support him by holding that person’s job hostage.
For the record, duty- an obligation by law or tenets to execute with prescribed precision – is in no way a substitute or parallel to loyalty, which is obedience not under -girded by official requirement, let alone demand.
America’s might is singularly vested in its military industrial complex, the sophisticated weaponry of its military and the sheer magnitude of its military capabilities, in comparison to the rest of the world.
That’s why its the perennial target of China, Iran, Russia even North Korea, all of which are always looking for ways to diminish its force by attacking its elements, in order to draw it in to artillery conflict.
The appointment of Hegseth to command the office of Defense Secretary is more testament to a frightened Republican Senate, threatened by the shadow army of J6ers released to be the enforcers of Trump’s ego stroking fear-mongering, than it is to Republican Senators dutifully performing their obligations to we, the people, of diligent Advice and Consent in selecting leaders for key positions.
The departure from the combat excellence in the portfolios of Colin Powell, Lloyd Austin and General Charles Q Brown, is intended to tell us that qualifications are as good as a scared Republican Senate majority says they are …and that administrative acumen for the post is an over qualification…not an entry level requirement.
It tells, also, that the personal character and uprightness that the portfolio embodies – especially since the Defense Secretary is a representative to the rest of the world of America’s military integrity and is the Leader in military joint world operations- has been reduced to the flaws of Donald Trump and pegged to his moral deficits by the hyper politicization of a Supreme Court that delivered him, as an option on the ballot, by re-adaptation of the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3 …Insurrection…
The fall out from this submission to Trump Pressure by elected law makers has informed the world that the Republican Party is there to serve its Leader, a multifaceted weakling who survives by the appearance of strength and not at all by it.
But more critically, it has informed its adversaries that America’s traditional military excellence, which branded America’s military might, is now less a priority under its First Felon who became President by contrivance and design.
Darker days are ahead …at home and abroad.